Monday, March 30, 2009

Intense war between the ONLF and the Ethiopian forces in Ogaden.

There is an intense war between the Ethiopian occupant forces in Ogaden and ONLF freedom movement throughout the Ogaden.

The last war carried a small town located 15km east of the city degahbur called LASGALOOL.

This war that continues for 2 days now continuously started first with the pro-Ethiopian militia that has lost more than 60 of them.

The ONLF has shown real forces which came after the Ethiopian ground forces in the mainstream who have lost this war with a unnoun numbers. Military helicopters were used to transport killed Ethiopian soldiers.

Ethiopia has quadrupled its forces in the Ogaden, and all the ground forces that are out of Somalia is now in the Ogaden.

Primary sources in the Ethiopian government said that the EPRDF government now fears that they will lose Ogaden due Increasing the number of ONLF forces and Increasing ONLF controlled areas.

But the war in the Ogaden is now more intense than ever it has been, and local people tell you a great loss in the Ethiopian army.

Since Ethiopia has withdrawn its forces in Somalia, there have been endless war throughout the Ogaden.
It was reported large civilian casualties and humanitarian organizational
or international journister do not have access to ogaden since Ethiopia has been put a Marshal low in Ogaden
And the prohibition of all international organizations accept from the United Nations that has very strictly followed orders from the central Ethiopian government and has only allowed in certain areas.

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